Exploring common use cases of Promises in TypeScript
Handling asynchronous operations
Let's walk through the code:
The fetchData function returns a Promise that resolves to a
Inside the fetchData function, a new Promise is created using the
Promise constructor and a setTimeout function is
used to simulate an asynchronous operation.
If the data exists, the Promise is fulfilled by calling
resolve(data). Otherwise, the Promise is rejected by calling
reject("Data not found").
The fetchData function is called, and the returned Promise is
chained with a then method to handle the resolved value.
Inside the then method, a callback function logs
a message and the received data to the console.
The Promise chain also includes a catch method to handle any
errors, with a callback function that logs an error message to the
Let's walk through the code:
The code defines two functions: fetchUser and fetchUserPosts.
The fetchUser function takes a userId as a parameter and returns a
promise that resolves with a string representing the user's name
("Sung-Jie Hung") if the userId is 1, or rejects with an error
message ("User not found") otherwise. This function simulates an
asynchronous operation using setTimeout.
The fetchUserPosts function takes a user string as a parameter and
returns a promise that resolves with an array of strings
representing the user's posts ("Post 1", "Post 2", "Post 3"). This
function also simulates an asynchronous operation using
The code then uses these two functions to fetch a user with userId
1 and log the user's name and posts.
It does this by calling fetchUser(1), which returns a promise.
When that promise resolves successfully, the then
block is executed, which logs the user's name and then calls
fetchUserPosts(user), passing the user's name as an argument.
The fetchUserPosts promise is also handled with a then block,
which logs the user's posts.
If any error occurs during the promise chain, the catch block is
executed, which logs the error message.
Let's walk through the code:
The code uses Promise.all to
concurrently execute three promises: fetchUser,
fetchUserPosts, and fetchUserComments. It
passes an array of promises as an argument to
If all promises are resolved successfully, the then callback is
executed, receiving an array containing the resolved values of the
promises: [user, posts, comments].
Inside the then callback, it logs the user, user posts, and user
comments to the console.
If any of the promises is rejected, the catch callback is
executed, logging the error to the console.